Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pre-celebrating día de los muertos

October usally means a long wait for the celebration of el día de los muertos... too long for us actually, so we're already celebrating:) Collecting some nice shootings of all those mexican skeletons (check on Vimeo for one of the original videos selected) and mixing them up with our own little compilation of home made latin re-edits! The original cuts selected from the musical vaults of Colombia, Panama & Peru might not have too much to do, nor with Mexico or with Día de los muertos but they certainly get the party started:) Enjoy!


1. Fire down below (K!K! Re-edit) - Lord Panama And The Stickers
2. Las calenas son como las flores (K!K! Re-edit) - The Latin Brothers
3. Dejala corre (K!K! Re-edit) - Banda Los Hijos De La Nina Luz
4. Cumbiamba (K!K! Re-edit) - El Sexteto Miramar


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