For those of you interested in hip hop, RnB, soul, electro, disco, jazz, indie, latin, reggae, funk, house and everything in between.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kompis! Kompis! crate findings in Santiago de Chile, part 4
Probably the best crate finding of 2008, just before Christmas... Haven't found any information about this group Alma (from Spain?) and their massive cover of Stevie's Another Star. Can't find words to express how good this is, so I'll leave you with the lyrics to sing along. And if you dunno "espanish", just hop around, go bananas and join us in history's best la-la-la-la-laaaa-chorus!
En ti puede haber otra ilusión pero en mi corazón no hay más que tu.
En ti puede haber otra canción pero yo le canto al son de nuestro amor.
Hace tiempo el corazón me dijo que no amara a nadie más que a ti pero no quise oirle cuando predijo que tu amor me iba a hacer sufrir.
Mixtapes & exclusivos made with the friendliest of intentions. Basically we just want to promote the best musical expressions we've been able to find in the past and the present. We are always looking for new music. If you have something you feel we have to listen to, send a mail to ....And If you have any concerns about the material published on this site, please let us know! Problems will be solved!
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